Wednesday, February 3, 2010

6 Month Milestone - Troy & Bobby Doing Great!

It's been 6 mo. since the kidney transplant and I'm still doing well and happy with my training and increase in strength.  But what makes me really happy is hearing good news about Bobby (Bob).  Just got a great update from his Grandmother, Sandy:

"Yesterday Bob and I headed down to Roseville (Thank you Lord it wasn’t San Francisco) for his 6 month post transplant checkup. Doctor Katz-Nelson was amazed at how well he is doing. Sometimes it seems as though he is disappointed that he can’t find anything wrong. Bob is down to 2 medications, both minimal amounts of anti rejection medication. For the most part he is having no side effects other than a slight tremor in his hand and maybe a little thinning of the hair, which are both possible and normal. His white count is good and his cretin which measures kidney function is at .9 which is excellent. He has continued to grow, adding 3 more inches since surgery—over 6 foot now. Still needs to add some weight, but right now is probably more of a genetic thing. He will have another appointment in 4 months. His lab work has been reduced to twice a month for February and then down to once a month. All indicators that everything is going great."

The update also mentioned a funny thing:  the Kidney Swap program that Bob and his Grandmother were on finally came back with a possible 4-5 way swap using his Grandmother's kidney... but then realized that Bob already had his kidney.

It's always possible that his kidney can reject at any time, but he is over a major hump we're all trusting the Lord for many years with his new one.

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